Put the CD that came with it in the drive and press and hold 'C' while the computer is starting up. If the computer has Lion or Mountain Lion installed, you can press and hold 'Command + R' while the computer is booting and it will get you into the OS X Installer. From there, click on 'OS X Installer' in the corner next to the apple and click on 'Disk Utilities' and from in there you can format your drive (erases everything) and then when it is formatted (You will want to use Journaled) you can go back to the Installer and let it install OS X back on your computer.

The Slack desktop app is the best way to experience Slack on the Mac operating system (OS). To get started, take a look at the steps we’ve outlined below. Step 1: Download the Slack app. There are two ways to download Slack for Mac: from the App Store, or the Slack downloads page. Proceed with reinstalling OS X. Note that the Snow Leopard installer will not erase your drive or disturb your files. After installing a fresh copy of OS X the installer will move your Home folder, third-party applications, support items, and network preferences into the newly installed system. Download and install Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Combo. The maximum version of Mac OS X, OS X, or macOS supported by each G3 and later Mac follows. For complete specs on a particular system, click the name of the Mac. For all Macs that are compatible with a specifc maximum supported version of Mac OS X - courtesy of EveryMac.com's Ultimate Mac Sort - click the OS of interest.

Nov 10, 2013 3:50 AM


The prerequisites listed below are required to be able to configure/build/package/test Slicer.

  • XCode command line tools must be installed:
  • A CMake version that meets at least the minimum required CMake version here
  • Qt 5: tested and recommended.
    • For building Slicer: download and execute qt-unified-mac-x64-online.dmg, install Qt 5.15, make sure to select qtscript and qtwebengine components.
    • For packaging and redistributing Slicer: build Qt using qt-easy-build
  • Setting CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET CMake variable specifies the minimum macOS version a generated installer may target. So it should be equal to or less than the version of SDK you are building on. Note that the SDK version is set using CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT CMake variable automatically initialized during CMake configuration.

Checkout Slicer source files¶


  • While it is not enforced, we strongly recommend you to avoid the use of spaces for both the sourcedirectory and the builddirectory.
  • Due to maximum path length limitations during the build process, build folders must be located in a location with very short total path length. This is expecially critical on Windows and macOS. For example, /opt/s has been confirmed to work on macOS.

Check out the code using git:

  • Clone the github repository

The Slicer directory is automatically created after cloning Slicer.

  • Setup the development environment:

Configure and generate Slicer solution files¶

  • Configure using the following commands. By default CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is set to Debug (replace /path/to/Qt with the real path on your machine where QtSDK is located):
  • If usingQtfromthesystem, do not forget to add the following CMake variable to your configuration command line: -DSlicer_USE_SYSTEM_QT:BOOL=ON
  • Remarks:
    • Instead of cmake, you can use ccmake or cmake-gui to visually inspect and edit configure options.
    • Using top-level directory name like /opt/sr for Release or /opt/s for Debug is recommended. If /opt does not exist on your machine you need to use sudo for mkdir and chown in /opt.
    • Additional configuration options to customize the application are described here.

General information¶

Two projects are generated by either cmake, ccmake or cmake-gui. One of them is in the top-level bin directory /opt/s and the other one is in the subdirectory Slicer-build:

  • /opt/s manages all the external dependencies of Slicer (VTK, ITK, Python, …). To build Slicer for the first time, run make in /opt/s, which will update and build the external libraries and if successful will then build the subproject Slicer-build.
  • /opt/s/Slicer-build is the “traditional” build directory of Slicer. After local changes in Slicer (or after an git update on the source directory of Slicer), only running make in /opt/s/Slicer-build is necessary (the external libraries are considered built and up to date).

Warning: An significant amount of disk space is required to compile Slicer in Debug mode (>20GB)

Warning: Some firewalls will block the git protocol. See more information and solution here.

Build Slicer¶

After configuration, start the build process in the /opt/s directory

  • Start a terminal and type the following (you can replace 4 by the number of processor cores in the computer. You can find out the number of available cores by running sysctl-nhw.ncpu):

Run Slicer¶

Start a terminal and type the following:

Test Slicer¶

After building, run the tests in the /opt/s/Slicer-build directory.

Start a terminal and type the following (you can replace 4 by the number of processor cores in the computer):

Package Slicer¶

Warning: Slicer will only create a valid package that will run on machines other than it’s built on if Qt was built from source.

Start a terminal and type the following:

Debugging the build process¶

When using the -j option, the build will continue past the source of the first error. If the build fails and you don’t see what failed, rebuild without the -j option. Or, to speed up this process build first with the -j and -k options and then run plain make. The -k option will make the build keep going so that any code that can be compiled independent of the error will be completed and the second make will reach the error condition more efficiently. To debug the error you can pipe the output of the make command to an external log file like this:

In some cases when the build fails without explicitly stating what went wrong it’s useful to look at error logs created during building of individual packages bundled with Slicer. Running the following command in the /opt/s folder

will list such error logs in ordered by the time of latest access. The log that was accessed the last will be the lowest one in the list.

error while configuring PCRE: “cannot run C compiled program”¶

If the XCode command line tools are not properly set up on macOS, PCRE could fail to build in the Superbuild process with the errors like below:

Slycicle Mac Os Download

To install XCode command line tools, use the following command from the terminal:

dyld: malformed mach-o: load commands size (…) > 32768¶

Path the build folder is too long. For example building Slicer in /User/somebody/projects/something/dev/slicer/slicer-qt5-rel may fail with malformed mach-o error, while it succeeds in /opt/s folder. To resolve this error, move the build folder to a location with shorter full path and restart the build from scratch (the build tree is not relocatable).

Packaging errors¶

Fixing @rpath errors during packaging¶

Slycicle Mac Os X

If an error like

is present during packaging - doublecheck that Slicer was built with Qt that was built from source and not Qt that was installed from a web-installer or homebrew.

LibArchive pointing to a nonexistent path¶

If a packaged Slicer is launched on another mac and it crashes with the error log saying that

Slycicle Mac Os 11

It means that libarchive has has found homebrew versions of some of it’s requirements, rather than local ones. For the packaged version of Slicer to run on other machines none of the prerequisites should be installed via homebrew. For example lz4 and zstd are bundled with subversion and rsync so if you have these two application installed via homebrew, libarchive will grab them from /usr/local/opt/ and the packaged Slicer will not run on other machines. The solution is either to remove them from from homebrew with brewremovelz4 and brewremovezsdt or to change the $PATH so that the local build folder goes before /usr/local/opt/. After doing this Slicer should be rebuilt and repackaged.See Relevant issue that’s tracking this error

Common errors¶


See list of issues common to all operating systems on Common errors page.