Progress Indicators

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Don’t make people sit around staring at a static screen waiting for your app to load content or perform lengthy data processing operations. Use progress indicators to let people know your app hasn't stalled and to give them some idea of how long they’ll be waiting.

Progress indicators have two distinct styles:

  • Bar indicators, more commonly known as progress bars, show progress in a horizontal bar.
  • Spinning indicators show progress in a circular form, either as a spinner or as a circle that fills in as progress continues.

People don't interact with progress indicators; however, they are often accompanied by a button for canceling the corresponding operation.

Use a progress indicator in a view, not a window frame. Progress indicators aren’t intended for use within window frame areas, such as toolbars and status bars. Instead, display a progress indicator in a view, such as the Safari Downloads popover.

Display progress indicators in consistent locations. Choosing a consistent location for a progress indicator makes it easy for people to quickly check a familiar place for the status of an operation. For example, Mail offers an Activity panel that users can open to monitor the status of network operations.

Let people halt processing, if possible. If people can interrupt a process without causing negative side effects, include a Cancel button that gets triggered when the user presses the Esc (Escape) key. If the interruption of a process might cause negative side effects, such as the loss of the downloaded portion of a file, provide a Stop Progress icon button instead of a Cancel button. See System Icons.

For related guidance, see Loading. For developer guidance, see NSProgressIndicator.

Determinate Progress Indicators

A determinate progress indicator displays a bar or circle that changes in appearance to show the progression of a task with a known duration.

Determinate progress circle

Use a determinate progress indicator for a task with a well-defined duration. A determinate progress indicator is great for showing the status of a task, especially when it helps convey how much longer the task needs to complete. For example, you could use a determinate progress indicator to show the progress of a file conversion. If a task isn’t quantifiable, use an indeterminate progress indicator instead.

Always report progress accurately. Don’t display inaccurate progress information just to make your app appear busy. A progress indicator that becomes 90 percent complete in 5 seconds but takes 5 minutes to complete the remaining 10 percent, for example, would be misleading and annoying.

Consider customizing a progress indicator’s appearance to match your app. You can adjust a progress indicator’s appearance to match your app’s design. For example, you can specify a custom tint for the fill.

Hide a determinate progress indicator after it’s completely filled. Be sure to let the fill complete before dismissing the indicator, though. If you dismiss the indicator too soon, people are likely to wonder if the process really finished. To help avoid this situation, you can also play a system sound when progress completes.

If helpful, include a label with a determinate progress indicator to add context. Provide a complete or partial sentence that briefly describes the process that’s occurring. Avoid vague terms like Loading or Authenticating because they don’t usually add any value. Use sentence-style capitalization and end with an ellipsis (…) to emphasize the ongoing nature of the process.

For developer guidance, see the isIndeterminate property of NSProgressIndicator, NSProgressIndicatorBarStyle, and NSProgressIndicatorSpinningStyle.

Indeterminate Progress Indicators

Progress Game Mac Os 11

Use an indeterminate progress indicator when your app performs an unquantifiable task, such as loading or synchronizing complex data. These indicators appear as an animated bar or circular spinner that disappears when the task completes.

Spinning progress indicator

Progress Game Mac OS

Use a spinning progress indicator primarily to communicate the status of a background operation or when space is constrained. Spinners are small and unobtrusive, so they’re useful for asynchronous background tasks, like retrieving messages from a server. Spinners are also useful for communicating progress within a small area, such as within a text field or next to a specific control, such as a button.

When possible, switch from an indeterminate progress bar to a determinate progress bar. If an indeterminate process reaches a point where its duration can be determined, switch to a determinate progress bar. People generally prefer a determinate progress indicator, because it helps them gauge what’s happening and how long it will take.

Don’t transition from a spinner to a progress bar. Spinners and progress bars are different shapes and sizes, so it doesn’t make sense to transition from one to the other.

Keep indeterminate progress indicators moving so people know something is happening. People associate a stationary indicator with a stalled process or a frozen app. If a process has stalled for some reason, provide users with feedback that helps them understand the problem and what they can do about it.

Spinning progress indicators should not be labeled. Because a spinner typically appears when the user initiates a process, a label is unnecessary.

For developer guidance, see the isIndeterminate property of NSProgressIndicator, NSProgressIndicatorBarStyle, and NSProgressIndicatorSpinningStyle.

Console gaming is pretty popular even today with multiple vendors selling gaming equipment of all kinds. If you’ve ever owned a PlayStation or a PSP, then you could easily relate to the joy one feels while gaming on them. Since consoles and their controllers are specially made for gaming alone, it’s plenty of fun to use them for having short or long gaming sessions.

If you don’t own a console anymore but have one of its controller(s) lying around, then you could make use of them again. You might wonder how that’s possible when you own a Mac device because it’s infamous for its inferior gaming quality. Truth is, the default hardware on a Mac system is quite capable of running most games. It’s only the developers who don’t often release games for the impressive Mac OS.

Here in this scenario, when the need for gaming overwhelms you, what you could do is use an emulator that can play hundreds of PlayStation games. The PS1 & PSP games are already praised for their quality visuals and also the vital ability to use consoles for playing single or multiplayer modes.

There is a popular PS & PSP emulator developed for the Mac platform which is known as the PPSSPP Emulator.

What is PPSSPP?

Progress Game Mac Os Download

The “PPSSPP” stands for PlayStation Portable Simulator Suitable for Playing Portably. This emulator works in more than 30 languages. It can emulate PlayStation games on multiple platforms such as Mac, PC, and Android.

The PPSSPP emulator allows you multiple ways to load games. You can use the Homebrew store provided within the emulator to obtain game titles or use the compatible PS games already present in your local storage as ROM(s).

This emulator is inclusive of a host of features that could be tweaked to adjust performance in several of your favorite gaming titles. You could play at 1080p resolution and combine the magic of the Mac Display along with High Definition image quality to thrive in your games. Saving your progress is also possible with the ability to save up to 3-5 game states to later resume them at a better time.

You can also map keys, lock FPS and adjust other settings in-depth to extract maximum performance from the hardware of your system. Lastly, you can use either or both the keyboard and the external game controllers to play while you enjoy amazing high-quality sounds!

How to install PPSSPP on Mac?

The footprint of this brilliant emulator is just approximately 12 MB and it works on any Mac OS X device. Do remember to make some free disk space of approximately 5GB or less depending upon how many games you want to keep in your library. These packages that carry games are called ROMs which further contain the ISO file required to load the game.

Now to begin, you’ll be required to already have the SDL framework installed on our system which could be done using the Homebrew installer.

To set up a Homebrew installer on your system, you’ll need to run a command in your Terminal application. Copy exactly the provided command or you’ll risk hampering your system and it’s core files.

ruby –e “$(curl –fsSL

You’ll also need to have the Xcode command line tools installed in your system to run this code which if not found, will then be automatically downloaded and installed in your system.

Lastly, use the below-mentioned command in the Terminal window to initiate the installation process for running PPSSPP on Mac.

brew install sdll2

Once you’ve installed the PPSSPP on your Mac device, browse and download all the compatible game ROM(s) for the emulator by using independent websites.

How to run PSP games on Mac

There are two methods to obtain PSP games and play them using the PPSSPP emulator on Mac.

Using ROM(s)

  • Extract your downloaded ROM(s) by using an unzipping software to acquire the required ‘ISO’ file.
  • Copy or Move the ISO file to the game directory or head to the home screen for installing it.
  • Run the emulator and find your added games to start playing them!

Homebrew Store

  • Locate the store on the top left corner of the menu-bar of the PPSSPP emulator.
  • Search and pick the game of your desire to start downloading it and to make it readily available to play.

Final Words

The developers of the PPSSPP emulator are consistently working on their program to provide you more updates which will allow you to play thousands of High-Quality games and maintain a large gaming library. The additional boon that this application is multilingual makes it the perfect choice for all global gamers.