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  4. The Useless Bat Mac Os 8

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edited June 2010 in Sahi - Open Source
Hi All,
I went through the following post and created batch mode execution of multiple test cases on Windows it does works fine. http://sahi.co.in/w/Running+multiple+tests+in+batch+mode
But, I need to create a similar batch mode execution on Mac. For example, if we consider safari browser:
java -cp ..libant-sahi.jar net.sf.sahi.test.TestRunner 'C:SahiuserdatascriptsVita_G3_FrameworkTest_ScriptsExecution.suite' 'C:Program FilesSafariSafari.exe' 'http://s2k3-2106'; 'C:SahiuserdatascriptsVita_G3_FrameworkResultsSafari' Localhost 9999 1 'Safari.exe' 'Safari.exe' '-noframemerging'
I tried changing the directory to '/Users/VCadmin/Sahi/userdata/scripts/ ect /ect' and execute on Mac terminal, But this does not work.
How can i modify it to run on Mac machine? [ Since, C: and stuff don’t work on Mac]


  • Hi Narayan,
    Can you please give a example as to how to execute a test Suit on Mac OS X. I went through the documention and examples provided by sahi. Most of the examples are only for Windows. There are not many Mac or Linux examples.
    It would be really helpfull, if we have examples or documentaion for Mac and Linux also.
  • Hi Wasim,
    As stated here: http://sahi.co.in/w/Running+multiple+tests+in+batch+mode, you need to use the correct paths to the Safari executable
    If 'open -a Safari' does not work, try with 'open' or '/full/path/to/Safari'
  • edited June 2010
    Thanks Narayan Open -a works.
    For other sahi users commands to work on Mac:
    switch over to sahi bin directory:
    cd sahi
    cd bin
    Safari Browser:
    java -cp ../lib/ant-sahi.jar net.sf.sahi.test.TestRunner 'scripts/Vita_G3_Framework/Test_Scripts/Execution.suite' 'open -a Safari' 'http://s2k3-2106.local/' 'scripts/Vita_G3_Framework/Results/Safari' Localhost 9999 1 'Safari' 'Safari' '-noframemerging'
    Firefox Browser:
    java -cp ../lib/ant-sahi.jar net.sf.sahi.test.TestRunner 'scripts/Vita_G3_Framework/Test_Scripts/Execution.suite' 'open -a Firefox' 'http://s2k3-2106.local/' 'scripts/Vita_G3_Framework/Results/Firefox' Localhost 9999 1 'Firefox' 'Firefox' '-profile browser/ff/profiles/sahi$threadNo -no-remote'
    java -cp ../lib/ant-sahi.jar net.sf.sahi.test.TestRunner 'scripts/Vita_G3_Framework/Test_Scripts/Execution.suite' 'open -a 'Google Chrome' ' 'http://s2k3-2106.local/' 'scripts/Vita_G3_Framework/Results/Chrome' Localhost 9999 1 'Google Chrome' 'Google Chrome' '--user-data-dir=$userDir/browser/chrome/profiles/sahi$threadNo --proxy-server=localhost:9999 --disable-popup-blocking'
    [For Chrome - You need to use (open -a 'Google Chrome') in single quotes]. Ensure your proxy settings are set right.
    Batch mode execution works on Mac.
  • Thanks a lot wasimhbr for contributing back : )
  • Hi,
    Thanks for the usefull tips for using Sahi on MAC. It works great!
    I am still facing an issue using sahi in batch mode on MAC. The firefox profiles doesn't seem to work as the proxy settings are not done automatically when using the batch mode. Also I tried running Sahi on Safari but am getting out of memory error. I am sure I am missing out something. Please share if you have any insights.
    Pankaj Kumar
  • Hi Pankaj,
    You hit the same error as i got it. Even i struggled with this error. To be honest, i dono what’s going wrong here. I feel there might be something in depth we are missing or there might be a bug in Sahi or its something silly we are missing. (Narayan can put a light on this).
    First Part:
    I will tell you what I did to overcome this:
    1. Stop sahi proxy server.
    2. Change settings on safari such that it does not use proxy server.
    3. Close the browser.
    4. Launch browser and connect to some website like google.com
    5. Once google launches without using proxy server.
    6. Don’t close the browser, change back ur browser settings to use sahi proxy server .
    7. Go back to the terminal and start sahi.sh file from bin directory.
    8. Now launch you application, It will not throw Java out of memory error on console.
    9. Once its starts working then any number of times you can open and close browser no-issues.
    Second Part:
    When you are running scripts on windows you just call batch file which remains in the same bin directory until it completes execution on all browsers. But that’s not the case with Mac.
    After you complete execution on one browser, you need to set back the execution path to bin directory:
    I am sharing the code for .sh file i had written for my application:
    echo 'Executing Automation Suite'
    cd ~
    cd Sahi/bin
    echo 'Execution on Safari'
    java -cp ../lib/ant-sahi.jar net.sf.sahi.test.TestRunner 'scripts/Vita_G3_Framework/Test_Scripts/Execution.suite' 'open -a Safari' 'http://s2k3-2106.verdad.local/' 'scripts/Vita_G3_Framework/Results/Safari' Localhost 9999 1 'Safari' 'Safari' '-noframemerging'
    echo 'Execution on Firefox'
    cd ~
    cd Sahi/bin
    java -cp ../lib/ant-sahi.jar net.sf.sahi.test.TestRunner 'scripts/Vita_G3_Framework/Test_Scripts/Execution.suite' 'open -a Firefox' 'http://s2k3-2106.verdad.local/' 'scripts/Vita_G3_Framework/Results/Firefox' Localhost 9999 1 'Firefox' 'Firefox' '-profile browser/ff/profiles/sahi$threadNo -no-remote'
    echo 'Execution on Google Chrome'
    cd ~
    cd Sahi/bin
    java -cp ../lib/ant-sahi.jar net.sf.sahi.test.TestRunner 'scripts/Vita_G3_Framework/Test_Scripts/Execution.suite' 'open -a 'Google Chrome' ' 'http://s2k3-2106.verdad.local/' 'scripts/Vita_G3_Framework/Results/Chrome' Localhost 9999 1 'Google Chrome' 'Google Chrome' '--user-data-dir=$userDir/browser/chrome/profiles/sahi$threadNo --proxy-server=localhost:9999 --disable-popup-blocking'
    echos 'Completed execution on all 3 browsers'
    cd ~
    cd Sahi/userdata/Scripts/Vita_G3_Framework/Test_Scripts - (Replace this with your path)
    You can execute this script from any where but change the paths accordingly.
    Launch firefox manually once and check if is it launching. while scripting be carefull with case. Mac is case sensitive.
    We can successfuly do a batch mode execution, Give a try !!
  • Hi wasimhbr,
    Thanks for your valuable inputs. I tried the steps you have suggested but it is not working for me. The strange thing is that I was able to execute my scripts individually through the Sahi controller earlier. After I tried my hands on batch execution using sahi suites I started getting the errors like:But now i get the same error even if try to execute a single script through the sahi controller.
    This is happenning on both Firefox as well as Safari.
    I also tried fiddling with the heap size using the -Xms and -Xmx parameters.
    I updated my sahi.sh like this:Please let me know where I am doing it wrong or any suggestions/workrounds.
    This error message provided here is just a snippet of the long error message. I can mail the complete error message if needed.
  • Hi,
    Got the problem resolved for the single script execution through Sahi controller.
    Honestly speaking the problem is still not clear to me but what I did was update Java, restart the MAC, and download fresh copy of Sahi. This worked for me. Now I will try to work upon the suite/batch thing. Lets see which way the cookie crumbles!
    I will keep posting my findings.
    Pankaj Kumar
  • Guys the problem of outofmemory is because of how Java uses proxy settings on Mac.
    We configure the browser to use Sahi as its proxy.
    On Mac, Java uses the system wide proxy. So now, Browser and Java both use Sahi as its proxy. (What wasimhbr noticed. If you configure the proxy and then start Java, it will use Sahi as its proxy too. If you change the proxy after starting Java, then things are fine)
    It should have been
    browser -> Sahi -> Java (urlconnection) -> Website
    but it has become
    browser -> Sahi -> Java (urlconnection picks Sahi proxy now) -> Sahi
    This is where the recursion comes in.
    To fix this, open userdata.properties and set these properties:
    Basically we are forcing Java to use a direct connection here.
    Let me know if this fixes your issue.
  • Thanks Narayan!
    I tried the same and was able to execute the batch/suite. But I had to keep
    and also had to follow the sequence mentioned by wasimhbr. The only challenge remaining is to use profiles to automatically set firefox proxy settings.
    I have the following shell script that will automatically invoke sahi proxy and then launch the suite runner:This works fine if I have already set the Firefox proxy to point to localhost:9999
    But the suite execution on Safari through my shell script still gives the out of memory error.
    Pankaj Kumar
  • Hi, i'm trying to launch suites on MAC OS X, too (i have 10.6.3) and i'm experiencing problems, though i've read instruction and this post carefully and tried to do all according to them.
    For example, i'm trying to run test under Safari (running from sahi/bin dir):
    after this, i'm getting a message from which i think that everything is right in syntax:
    In other terminal tab, where Sahi server is running, i get:
    So suite file was accessed and Sahi tells that it's running scripts, but browaser not opens and nothing happens.
    After some time, a log file appears telling:
    I'm not getting any other error messages so i don't understand what exactly i make wrong. Can you please help me? ( i removed site URLs from post because forum not allows me to post them)
  • edited July 2010
    btw i've tried absolute path to browser as well (/Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari) and tried the same for FireFox and Chrome, with same effect.
  • There are couple of things that might be causing this:
    1. If you are trying on Safari Browser, you need to change the browser security settings to always accept cookies.
    2. Just have a look at relative paths.
    3. Try launching browser from terminal and check whether you are able to launch your application.
    4. Execute a single script before running a batch script.
    5. Re-verify the Sahi proxy settings.
  • Hi, i've re-checked all of these several times and i sure in all settings and paths, running 'open -a Safari' or 'open -a Firefox' in terminal also works. Running single script is not working too (but works manually through Sahi tool)
  • Hi,
    Do ensure that you have followed the instructions provided by wasimhbr (post #7 in this thread) and Narayan (post #10 in this thread).
  • Hi Psylence,
    For Safari, browserOptions should be blank.
  • Hi,
    I want to do the following on MAC+Safari:
    1. Write a shell script that does the following:
    > Launch the sahi proxy as a background job
    > Run a suite
    Now my problem is that if I follow the mentioned sequence I have to first manually set Safari to use sahi as its proxy listening at port 9999. Now if I execute my shell script it goes into an endless loop resulting into Out of memory error. I tried all the suggestions given above, but in vain.
    Please give some suggestion.
    Pankaj Kumar
  • Hi all,
    i moved a step further but i still cannotmake things working for me.
    FIrst, browser finally opens (that's good), but only if browserOptions is empty (that relates to FireFox, too, not only to Safari)
    Second, when i set proxy options in Safari (on MacOS these are global system proxy options) i getting the same out of memory error already described above. So i'm able to use only FF.
    Third, and the worst problem is that Sahi ignores port for some reason when i'm trying to run batch job. I mean, i'm using port 3000 to run my local application that i test and i'm providing URL with port when runnning batch job, but after opening browser, Sahi tries to open URL without port (and of course, cannot reach application). I think it's a bug.
    Regards, psylence
  • Hi again,
    I finally managed to run tests, by changing my app port from 3000 to 80, but i still think that it would be greate for Sahi to support custom ports in batch mode, as many developers use them.

As some of you may know, I travel a lot. I am always on a plane without internet and not much to do. Up until now I’ve been using my iPad for watching the few movies I purchased from Google Play because Google Play lets you watch offline. The problem with this is my iPad doesn’t have a lot of storage space and can’t keep me entertained on a six or more hour flight. I heard Amazon Prime members can download movies for free and I saw that Amazon Kindle Fire tablets were only $40.00 with an expandable SD card slot.

I purchased one of these $40.00 tablets and a large micro SD card with the intention of downloading a bunch of movies as part of my Prime subscription. The problem is that my Prime subscription was part of a household account, which has fine print that says I can only stream, not download. This rendered the Kindle Fire tablet rather useless to me.

The Useless Bat Mac Os Download

This lead me down the path of wanting to root the tablet and install a custom ROM to it. These are the things I did to turn my $40.00 disappointing Kindle Fire tablet into something comparable to the $200.00 tablets in circulation.

Before proceeding, please be aware that if you mess up your Kindle Fire device, I am not responsible for it. I’m happy to help you troubleshoot in the comments should this event happen.

The Requirements

Let me first start by sharing the equipment and software I used:

  • 8GB Kindle Fire 5th generation tablet
  • Fire OS 5.12
  • SuperTool by Root Junky
  • Nexus ROM

Let me explain a few things first. My Kindle Fire is the edition with advertisements. When I purchased it, the tablet was $40.00 and it was the 5th generation of it. The tablet came with Fire OS 5.12.1 which, as of May 2016, was incompatible with the existing root tools.

The root tool I used was called KingRoot and was installed as part of SuperTool. If KingRoot doesn’t support Fire OS 5.12.1 or higher at the time of reading this, you’ll need to downgrade your Kindle Fire firmware.

UPDATE 06/15/2018: Some users in the comments have pointed out that the latest generation of Kindle Fire hardware and firmware may not be compatible with this tutorial. As previously mentioned, everything in this tutorial is use at your own risk. It worked for me and others using the 5th generation hardware. Unless you’ve done physical damage to your hardware, very rarely is a bricked device beyond fixing using only software.

Downgrading Fire OS

If KingRoot supports your version of Fire OS, feel free to disregard this.

Remember, my Kindle Fire came with 5.12.1, which was incompatible. I had to downgrade to 5.12 which was supported by KingRoot. This earlier version can be directly downloaded from here. If for some reason that link doesn’t work, XDA Developers has a list of Kindle Fire images.

To downgrade (or upgrade), power down your Kindle Fire tablet and start it in recover mode by pressing the volume down + power at the same time.

When in the Amazon System Recovery, choose apply update from ADB and take your business to the ADB tool on your computer. From your Terminal (Mac and Linux) or Command Prompt (Windows), execute the following:

Make sure to swap out file.bin with the file you downloaded. It may take a few minutes to apply the fresh image.

Use SuperTool to Root Your Kindle Fire

SuperTool by Root Junky does a few things for us related to getting a custom ROM installed as well as a few things that are very useful, but not really relevant to this article.

SuperTool will install KingRoot which will root the Kindle Fire, giving us root level access to the tablet operating system as well as install FlashFire which will allow us to load a custom ROM.

Yes, everything that SuperTool does can be done manually. I’m just sharing it because it is the easiest way to get this job done for most people. It works for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Using your Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Mac and Linux), execute the appropriate .bat or .sh file found in the SuperTool downloaded directory.

Option 2 will do half of what we need. Midway through the root process you’ll need to run KingRoot. This process took me a few minutes and failed a few times due to me running an incorrect version of Fire OS. If your Fire OS is correct it should succeed and when finished, you can continue the SuperTool root process.

After the tablet was rooted, FlashFire needs to be installed with SuperTool. This is option 6 in the command line interface. It shouldn’t take more than a second or two to install.

Download the Nexus ROM and Install it with FlashFire

The Kindle Fire tablet at this point should be rooted. If it has not been rooted, what comes next will not work.

The Useless Bat Mac Os 11

Like I’ve already mentioned we’re going to be installing the Nexus ROM. There are other ROMs out there, for example an unofficial CyanogenMod ROM. The Nexus ROM is a very vanilla version of Android which I’ve found to work very well on this low budget tablet. You can get the latest version of this ROM from XDA Developers, but this direct link might work as well.

With the ROM downloaded somewhere on the tablet’s internal storage, open the FlashFire application that was installed via SuperTool.

You must follow these steps exactly, otherwise you risk the installation having problems:

  1. Select the red plus (+) button to expand a selection of options, choosing Wipe.
  2. Select System data, 3rd party apps, and Dalvik cache if they are not already checked.
  3. Click the red plus (+) button again and choose Flash ZIP/OTA.
  4. Search for the Nexus ROM that you’ve downloaded and choose it.
  5. Automount and Mount /system read/write need to be unchecked.
  6. Drag Wipe to the top of the queue.

As soon as you hit the FLASH button it will do its thing which includes tablet restarts. It could take around thirty minutes to complete. A version of these instructions can also be found on the XDA Developers website.

Boot the tablet and your Kindle Fire should have received an awesome upgrade.

Above is the AOSP Nexus ROM that I installed to my Kindle Fire. It no longer uses Amazon’s Fire OS.

The Useless Bat Mac Os Update


Although not what I had originally planned, I now have a cheap tablet with expandable memory that can still carry a decent selection of Google Play movies on it. After rooting and custom flashing an Android ROM to the Kindle Fire tablet, the tablet’s performance and battery life got significantly better. It is a potentially risky process, but I recommend it to anyone looking for a cheap win.

Nic Raboy

Nic Raboy is an advocate of modern web and mobile development technologies. He has experience in Java, JavaScript, Golang and a variety of frameworks such as Angular, NativeScript, and Apache Cordova. Nic writes about his development experiences related to making web and mobile development easier to understand.

The Useless Bat Mac Os 8

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