Protect The Cheese Mac OS

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Because Mac OS X is based on Unix, it providesnative support for a password-protected, multiple-user environment. Bydefault, you are required to create a single user account with apassword. If you have only one user account created, your computerwill not prompt you for a password when your computer starts. However,you may secure your computer with a password as follows:

  1. From the Apple menu, select System Preferences....
  2. From the View menu, select Users & Groups(Mac OS X 10.7) or Accounts (Mac OS X 10.6 and earlier).
  3. In Mac OS X 10.5 and later, at the bottom of the left panel, clickLogin Options. In the right panel next to 'Automatic login:',select Off or Disabled from the pull-down menu. If LoginOptions is grayed out, click the padlock icon in the bottom ofthe preference window, and then authenticate to log into your account.

    In Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.3, at the bottom of the left panel, clickLogin Options, and in the right panel, uncheckAutomatically log in as:. If Login Options isgrayed out, click the padlock icon in the bottom of the preferencewindow, and then authenticate to log into your account.

When starting your computer, you will have to authenticate to accessyour account. You may also log out of your computer withoutrestarting. From the Apple menu, select Log out....

Locking your screen

Mac OS X also allows you to lock your screen when the screen saverbecomes active. You will then have to enter your password to regainaccess to your computer. To activate this feature:

Protect The Cheese Mac Os Pro

  1. From the Apple menu, select System Preferences....
  2. From the View menu, select Security & Privacy(10.7) or Security (10.6 and earlier).
  3. In 10.7 or 10.6, under the General tab, check Requirepassword... after sleep or screen saver begins, and then choosehow long the computer can be asleep, or the screen saver active,before a password is required.

    In 10.5 or 10.4, check Require password to wake this computer fromsleep or screen saver.

To add an item to your menu bar that allows you to quickly lockthe screen and turn on the screen saver:

Protect The Cheese Mac Os Download

  1. From your Applications folder, open yourUtilities folder, and then open Keychain Access.
  2. From the Keychain Access menu, selectPreferences.... Under the General tab, checkShow keychain status in menu bar (10.7) or Show Status inMenu Bar (10.6 and earlier).
  3. The padlock icon will appear in your menu bar in the upper rightcorner of your screen. To lock your screen, click this icon, and then fromthe menu that appears, select Lock Screen.